Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Stinking Kids!

Kids! Kids! Kids! Everywhere! Kids! I love my daughter, and I love my daughters friends, but sometimes I can not stand other peoples kids! For once in your life people, control your kids! One thing that I can not stand is the lack of parenting that the majority of today's children receive. I feel like today's parents are afraid to discipline in public, like its embarrassing. To me I feel like my child's outrageous behavior would be WAY more embarrassing than actually having to discipline in public, and believe me I have. I have dragged my daughter kicking and screaming out of many public places to deal with her. Public places are in fact the times when I am more strict, just because we are in public does not mean she gets a free "crappy behavior" pass for the day.

It seems like at any child based event there is always that "one kid" that is out of control. Running around the room, screaming, pushing, climbing on chairs and tables, and taking toys and balls from other kids all the while with that little evil smug smile on their faces . Their parent follows right behind them, their hair a mess, eyes begging and pleading, lost, overwhelmed, frustrated and giving up. God, I can't stand those parents! I pity them. You pay 5 dollars to have a good time and that one child ruins it all! Who's fault is that?? The parents! Well, the parent may argue that, "my child wont listen to me!", or "I tried". Well, I pity them. I pity them because they don't know any better and they should, grow a freaking back bone! Today's parents give up to easy when it comes to their kids. Why give up?? Why only try once? I believe that children are at least worth the effort no matter how terrible they may act. The one thing that is hard for the parent to swallow is that most of the time, it's their fault. That kind of behavior is taught and learned. At some point in their life the child was taught that when they ignore their parent...nothing happens! Mommy only says she's gonna do it, but never does!

To all you parents out there please I'm begging you give your child one warning, if they do it again than take action immediately! That is all it takes. Follow through and consistency, consistency, consistency!

Like today Amie and I went to a nice event, Toddler Time at the Botanical Center. There was story time, music and dancing time. It was nice, except for that one stinking child that ran around the room during story time, climbing on chairs and screaming getting all the other kids worked up and distracted. Then during dance and music time that same child thew a ball at Amie and took a book from her and made her cry. Were do you think that parent was...hiding in the corner, embarrassed for her child's actions. Obviously not embarrassed enough to do anything about it though! She watched him do it and wasn't even courteous enough to give Amie an apology! Wait it gets better. When we were walking though the botanical center looking at flowers, a different child picked up some rocks and through them at Amie (they didn't hit her). The mom thought it was cute! How is that cute?? Then Amie thought it might be a good idea to do that too. Umm, absolutely not! I nipped that right in the butt! All it took was a warning and she new I meant business.

Follow through, and consistency, consistency, consistency! Really it is that simple!

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