Thursday, February 11, 2010


Orifice other wise known as a hole that opens to a bodily cavity aka: mouth, ears, and nose. Now why is it with small children that these holes are so fascinating, so amusing that they must investigate them at every opportunity? Whether its walking around the house with the finger resting nicely in the nose cavity or the one I dread the most, putting foreign objects in it like peas, corn, and cheerios! All it takes is one split second head turn and BAM, something is stuck in the nose. When she first did this with a pea I didn't realize that she had stuck something up her nose. She just sat there sniffing her nose really loud and kept sticking her finger up it. I reprimanded her for doing so but she continued to make a huge fuss over her nose. That's when the thought occurred to me that something wasn't quite right. So I tilted her head back and what do ya know....a pea! I thought to my self "oh dear God how will I get this out of her nose?". I went to the bathroom and grabbed the tweezers and it came out like a charm. Well there have been several instances since then. None like the one I had last night!

Last night Amie was sitting at the table eating cheerios for snack when she started to do the nose sniffing thing again. Oh boy here we go again I thought to myself. I tilted her head back and what do ya know...there it was a cheerio. surprise, surprise, you didn't see that one coming did ya?? So I wandered to the bathroom to get my handy dandy tweezers. When I got back to the table I reminded her that food goes in our mouths not in our noses and tilted her head back to get the cheerio. Right as I tilted her head back the cheerio came shooting out at me and hit me in the eye! It was like my daughter had a built in "pea shooter" (pardon the pun) except it wasn't peas it was a cheerio! It came out so fast that my poor eye never had a chance! It startled me so bad that I nearly flipped over the table when I jumped back. Now how often can somebody say they got hit in the eye with a cheerio from their daughters nose?? I can LOL!
Activity of the day:
Little kids love to look at pictures of themselves, whether it be now or when they were babies, they just love it! So I made a book for Amie full of pictures all of her and family and she loves it!
When I did was get a cheap or old little 4x5 photo album and filled it up with pictures of our family and pictures of Amie when she was a baby and now. you can glue or tape the plastic slip covering shut so your child can't grab the picture out. I also let my daughter color and paint the inside and outside of the photo album. You could even add stickers or for older children glue ribbon, paper, and buttons on it was well. This is my daughter favorite book, she spends tons of time looking at it. You can keep it fresh by adding new pictures, it ever gets old!

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