Friday, February 26, 2010

Over the Bridge and Through the Mountans....

...Oh to Amie's Grandmothers (and Grandfathers) house we go! Just a hop, skip, and a looong ass plane ride and before ya know it we're there! It will be Amie's very first time on a plane and I am dreading it! The first flight will only be a little over an hour (not too bad), but the second will be a nice and cosy four hour trip! I am coming equipped with the ol'electric babysitter (DVD player), her favorite movies (which she literally NEVER watches, b/c we're mean and don't let her watch TV), her favorite books, her favorite: Barbies, blanket, bunny, bear bear, and ducky pillow. DREAD! I'm sitting here freaking out just thinking about it. A four hour trip on my lap, yeah like that's gonna be tons of fun!

I can see it now:

We board the plane all smiles, rainbows, and sunbeams. We take our seats and sweet little blue birds sing us a sweet song while Daisies bloom on the seat next to us. During our flight Amie quietly sits on my lap, looking at me lovingly, and when she talks only words of joy fall from her lips. When she gets tired, there are no tears, she drifts sweetly into a deep cosy sleep. Then when we have landed, she quietly wakes up, smiling, and humming birds dance around the cabin while beautiful fairies sprinkle happy dust joyfully onto our heads. Then I wake up and Amie is screaming nonstop because her ears wont pop and the guy next to me wants to smother me with a dirty plane pillow. Yay!

Now tell me, what 23 month old wants to sit on Mommies lap for four hours?? None that I can think of! Oh yeah, and the best thing about this trip is that ... IT'S DURING NAP TIME!!! Oh yay!! Who in the hell planned this trip?? I mean, could I have planned it any better?? I don't know what I was thinking, I wasn't thinking. Or maybe I was, I dunno. The bottom line is that we are going to make this trip tomorrow smiles or not. I just pray that the person next to me is a sweet and loving Mommy or Grandma. Or maybe a child that Amie can play with too. With my luck though it will be a cranky old man, with gnarly teeth, a cane and really bad body odor!

Please wish me luck, cause I'm really gonna need it!

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