Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Simple Life

Ya know, my daughter has it all. She has the best most simple life anybody could ask for. If I could just see for one minute the world how she sees it or think for just one second how she thinks, I believe I would be living in a constant bliss. Just this morning as Amie lay in bed next to me smiling, and talking about her boo boo that she got on her knee yesterday from her bike. Ever since she got her boo boo she hasn't stopped talking about it, how is it that something so little effects a little child for several days after?? Anyways, in mid sentence while talking about her boo boo she stopped and looked at her tummy. She watched it go up and down, up and down as she breathed. Then she put her hand on her tummy and watched her hand go up and down, up and down. She was absolutely fascinated by this. At that point I would have loved to know what she was thinking, what was going through that beautiful head of hers?

Just this morning I was going through some pictures on my digital camera and found several pictures that Amie had taken her self, secretly! She had probably thought that she had gotten away with it, but I had the whole crime scene that she caught on camera. I could see how she got on top the counter. Yup, she took a picture of it , she used her booster seat literally to boost her to the counter. Then she proceeded to take several pictures of her self, all by accident I'm sure. I have a picture of her eye, a picture of her nose, a partial picture of her face, a picture of her feet standing on the booster seat. I bet she had a blast. Then I think to myself, "what the hell was I doing that she was able to play with my camera for so long and then conceal the evidence for several days"?? I'm sure that when she put the camera back she had thought that she got away with it, I'm sure that she has forgotten that moment by now, or maybe not. Maybe she still thinks she's gotten away with it. As far as I am concerned it's done and over with no point in bringing it up. So yes, Amie did get away with an almost perfect crime. If only in the future when committing crimes she would do me the honor of catching it on the camera again. To live in a world where you commit a crime, get caught on camera and all if forgiven and forgotten.

To live in this simple happy world of hers where everyday she lives in the moment and at that moment she is obsessed with a boo boo, or elephants. For like a week strait when we were in CA all Amie could talk about was elephants and the noises they made. Everything everywhere was all about elephants! I wish I could have that again. Just live in the moment. Kids are so simple yet so complex at the same time. I think that's why they are so great!

1 comment:

  1. I just adore reading your blogs! You are such a GREAT writer and it's so easy to read and relate to at the same time. Keep up the good work!!
